To change things up a bit let's start by talking about yesterday. Yesterday when I ended work for the day I had a couple of things that I was waiting for responses for and today I got them! When I came into work today and checked my email I found that the Medtronic marketer that I mentioned yesterday (whose name is Nora McElroy FYI) accepted my meeting and tha means that tomorrow from 10am to 11 am I get to talk with her about her career, background and how she got the job she has now. I was also able to reach out to another woman named Michelle who is helping me to get a logo type of image for the intranet site that I am creating. This morning I was able to once again attend the weekly team meeting for Talent Acquisition and Diversity & Inclusion which was really interesting. After brief presentations from three team members two people came into the meeting from the company GreenJobInterview is a really neat company that is allowing and promoting the use of technology during the interviewing process. By allowing people to interview with webcams GreenJob allows large global companies like Medtronic to interview people worldwide without having fly people across the globe, allowing them to be more cost efficient and sensitive to environmental problems. After the team meeting I went and had lunch and visited China and India :). Actually I didn't physically go to China or India but I did get to hear an Human Resources employee named Victor talk about his recent trip to both China and India. Medtronic is a global company and as such they feel the need to understand the cultures and differences between countries and how they can best meet the needs of people in countries around the world. After an awesome time of presenting, sharing pictures, and telling stories I headed back to my cubicle and continued to work on my intranet site. Today I added some pictures in an effort to continue to refine my work. I was also able to schedule a meeting for tomorrow with Sharon and Alice so that we can look at what I have done on the site so far, I can get their feedback, and we can discuss what they ultimately would like to see/ be able to do on the site. I am also in the process of trying to get my first message about diversity posted onto facebook so hopefully I can get that together this week. Thanks for checking in and I hope to see you back here tomorrow. Same time, Same place.

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    Shannon Etz

    I am a junior at Animas High School who will be posting about my experience as I participate in a three week internship at Medtronic in the Santa Rosa location.


    March 2013
    February 2013

