Today was just one of those days where you feel compelled to wear your pajamas to work....So I did! Today I worked remotely using a Medtronic laptop. I started working at 9 and got connected to my Medtronic email, after about a half hour of work I was still struggling to connect to the Medtronic network so then I got to spend an hour and fifteen minutes on the phone with Tech Support trying to figure out what wasn't working. Finally we figured out that it was a system problem and that I had not been added to the approved remote access list and that was why I was unable to connect to the server. However we got the proper request forms in and hopefully that will solve the problem for the future. However the lack of network connection did not stop me. I began drafting some potential diversity messages for Twitter or Facebook and then with the guidance and direction of Alice began doing online research about the Diversity efforts of Medtronic, in other words potential Facebook and Twitter message topics. I found a couple of useful topics including a conference that is being held Saturday in Minneapolis by Medtronic people talking about the diversity strategy of Medtronic. I also wrote a blurb about the black history month celebration that I watched earlier this week. Overall it was a pretty quiet day but I felt like I was productive and that I got some good information about Medtronic to use as I go into the future. Thanks for your time. And I hope that you have a wonderful evening! I'll see you tomorrow. Same time, Same place.
3/1/2013 03:13:42 am

What does a diversity message look like?


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    Shannon Etz

    I am a junior at Animas High School who will be posting about my experience as I participate in a three week internship at Medtronic in the Santa Rosa location.


    March 2013
    February 2013

