I guess the moral of the story is that you should never say never, because you don't know where things might end up. But I am pretty  confident when I say that I never want to be a transcriptionist! Yesterday I  had my mentor interview with Alice and then today while I worked from home I have been trying to take the audio recording I took during my interview with Alice and turn it into a transcript that I can post on this lovely website. Typing this transcript has been the focus of my day. Alice had some amazing
  advice to offer me and anyone else interested in the business field, and it is  because of that, that I want to make sure that I get her words written down  accurately. So I have been listening to every scrap of this interview over and  over to make sure that I get Alice's words written down accurately. Since I  started work a little later today, I am continuing through making this  transcript until I finish it!!!! And then I can send it to Alice, to just  double check that she is comfortable with it and that it accurately represents  what she was trying to say, and then it is off to the internet!! Where you my  lovely readers can see it absolutely no later than Thursday the 14! Have a good  night everyone, and to all the lovely transcriptionists out there, remember  that I highly admire you and the work you do, because I am just not cut out for  it. See you tomorrow. Same time, Same place.

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    Shannon Etz

    I am a junior at Animas High School who will be posting about my experience as I participate in a three week internship at Medtronic in the Santa Rosa location.


    March 2013
    February 2013

