Today my life as an intern started at 6:30am when I realized that I had overslept by 45 minutes and thus had only 45 minutes to get showered and dressed for my internship. In the end though I made it out the door on time. Today when I got to work I found a response to my question about the intranet site that I will be building and then I spent some time on the host intranet site. At 9:30 I had a meeting with Sharon Piper-Diggs who is the Director of Talent Acquisition and Diversity & Inclusion (Pretty much the boss of the whole group of people that I am working with) Sharon and I discussed what she wanted out of the intranet site I am making and we talked about where I am with the project and what it going on. After my meeting with Sharon I continued with my scrolling and exploring on the host intranet site until 10:00 when I got to participate in the weekly status meeting for the Talent and Acquisition team as well as the Diversity & Inclusion team. For me this meeting got particularly interesting towards the end when we moved from the Talent Acquisition side to the Diversity & Inclusion side of things. I got a really amazing opportunity to see how commited Medtronic is as a company to having a diverse group of people working for them whether that diversity be in race, background, experience, or even in the different ways people think. To see a company so commited to this idea that we need different types of people to create something great was really interesting and almost inspiring. Once the meeting wrapped up we had my welcome lunch where the team got together and all ate Panera in the conference room. I got to ask a couple of questions of the team and then we had some really interesting discussions about Diversity and the various Supreme Court cases that we have been studying in Humanities over the past several weeks. After that I played the role of a typical unpaid intern and I helped put together packets. It was fun though, we listened to music and I got to learn a little bit more about the people that I am working with. Then I set up a laptop computer so that tomorrow I can work from home with access to my Medtronic email, homepage, and intranet site. Hopefully tomorrow I will gain access to the intranet site that I am creating! Fingers crossed!! I will see you again tomorrow! Same time, Same place.

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    Shannon Etz

    I am a junior at Animas High School who will be posting about my experience as I participate in a three week internship at Medtronic in the Santa Rosa location.


    March 2013
    February 2013

