Well as you can probably guess from the title, I ate a brownie for breakfast, much to the disgust and disappointment of my aunt, but at that point I was getting in the car to leave so I just went with it and ate the brownie anyways. I did however eat an apple before the brownie, so that was how I justified the brownie. My day was about as "off" as my breakfast. I am currently battling a cough so that threw me off my game quite a bit. But I was still able to have an interesting and productive day. This morning my day
started off with me working on the diversity messages, one of which will be published to Facebook and one to Twitter on March 15! Then I had a brief phone interview with a woman named Nora McElroy who shared with me about her  experience in the field of graphic design and marketing. After that I had a
  meeting with Sharon and Alice where I showed them what I had done on the  Intranet site and I got some feedback from them as to what they would like me  to add/ change. After that, I got to sit in and take notes on a meeting with  the Talent Acquisition and Diversity & Inclusion team. We went over the
 results of a recent survey of Medtronic employees in the Human Resources  department and talked about some of the issues that had arisen. We then transitioned into solution finding. It was really interesting to see the team work together on this and to hear their ideas and thoughts about their impact in the company, how their role was appreciated, and ultimately where they see their future in the company. Throughout the meeting they remained optimistic even as they found that there were things that they could not directly change and that was really inspiring for me to see. Even in our humanities class we have discussed problems and aired our grievances and tried to approach solutions. The way the team did it was admirable, they focused initially on the negative things yet even without meaning to they were able to transition the problems that they saw into potential solutions. This was an incredible part of my day, getting to see the applications of business management and how different strategies work and don’t work on a real level was really informative to me and it was awesome to see how much Medtronic cares about its employees and how they feel about where they are in their job and career. The meeting lasted from 10:20 to 1:15 and when I got out I worked some more on finalizing the diversity messages for  Facebook and Twitter, as well as working some more on the intranet site, though  the highlight of my day was definitely my meeting with the team! I’ll see you  tomorrow! Same time, Same place.

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    Shannon Etz

    I am a junior at Animas High School who will be posting about my experience as I participate in a three week internship at Medtronic in the Santa Rosa location.


    March 2013
    February 2013

