So against what the title of this blog may tell you, today was actually not that serious of a day. I mean it was work for sure but it was a nice casual and quiet Friday. Today I continued to work on and gather information for the diversity messages I am writing. I also talked on the phone with Sarah Hassan who works at Medtronic in Minneapolis and is responsible for the publishing of all social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the other various social media outlets that Medtronic posts to. Sarah was very sweet and helped me figure out how I can get my diversity messages posted. She also offered to review and critique my diversity messages and gave me some tips for writing. Today I started work at 8:30 and went ahead and worked straight through until 1:30 and then took off for the day. Today I also sent the diversity messages that I had to my mentor Alice for her critique and suggestions. I also followed up with the head of Diversity & Inclusion Sharon about the possibility of helping organize a diversity event as an extra part of my internship. Today was a great end to a great week but let me tell you I am ready for the weekend! I will see you back here on Monday! Same time, Same place.

    Shannon Etz

    I am a junior at Animas High School who will be posting about my experience as I participate in a three week internship at Medtronic in the Santa Rosa location.


    March 2013
    February 2013

